Drop-in Courses
Massive Open Online Courses
- Technology-Enabled Learning MOOC (open course) runs April 5 – May 9, 2020 and you can register in this free course at any point during its run time. This course is primarily aimed towards teachers who want to build on their knowledge and practice in teaching and learning with technology. Designed to accommodate teachers’ busy schedules, the course offers flexibility with options for learning the content. You will learn from readings, videos, discussions with other participants and instructors, meaningful exercises, quizzes and short assignments.
Professional Development
- Blended and Online Learning and Teaching (PD modules) helps teachers develop professional learning online with Canada’s Open University. Begin your journey with Education and Technology with Athabasca University.
Transitioning to Online Teaching
- Alberta Education: Online Learning Guides for schools and school leaders (PDF, 2.6 MB)
- Becoming a better Online Teacher (blog)
- Resources and workshops for teachers moving online (OLC blog)
- Virtual instruction and online learning resources (NCTE blog)
- Making K-12 online learning more equitable (blog)
- The Quick Technology Guide can help to support moving to an online class or conference (Google doc)
Teaching Resources
- Commonwealth of Learning: Keeping the doors of learning open COVID-19 (database). This site is an OER collection from around the world that supports all levels of learners and educators.
- The Community of Inquiry BLOG (website) demonstrates how the CoI framework represents a process of creating a deep and meaningful (collaborative - constructivist) learning experience through the development of three interdependent elements: social, cognitive and teaching presence.
- Interactive educational simulations from the University of Colorado (database)
- The Open Educational Resources (OER) Symbaloo (database) is a curation of websites that support OER for Canadian educators.
- The Blended and Online Learning and Teaching (BOLT) (multi-author blog) contains a variety of pedagogical supports to help you understand OER. Explore this website, including videos, archived virtual conferences and podcasts about Canadian copyright law for educators. Learn more about OER and the shift to open educational practices.
- The Canadian eLearning Network (CANeLearn) (PD events) is a Canadian registered not-for-profit society with a vision to be the leading voice in Canada for learner success in K-12 online and blended learning. CANeLearn provides members with networking, collaboration, and research opportunities.
- Kyte Learning (database) is an online library of educational technology training videos for teachers and administrators. It provides teachers with instructional videos on how to use and incorporate technology into their lessons and classroom.
What are schools doing?